For many training projects, the training program itself is the “big event” and when it’s over, it’s pretty much over.
We believe this is a mistake far too many companies make. Although group training events can serve as a strong boost to accelerate progress, training MUST continue through follow up with coaching and short, refresher workshops delivered over time to continue to refine the skills.
Training needs to become an integral part of the way a manager manages and coaches the team. This is what we mean by a rigorous coaching culture. Managers/Coaches that coach, train and demonstrate on a daily basis is the key to lowering long term training costs. There is no other way to sustain results that is going to work as well and the alternatives are simply not affordable.
What Consilio clients like best about our approach is two things:
- Our training programs are much more demanding and bring participants much further in terms of skill development than other programs they’ve tried
- Our follow up focuses on sales and customer service managers and the internal training team (if they have one) to show and coach them how to sustain progress in an affordable way
The reason the sales team cannot verbalize basic selling information and execute a solid consultative sales process is because the sales managers simply aren’t coaching and training them to do this. On a sports team, the coach is 100% responsible for training the team and this is the same in the military. For whatever reason, in business, many sales and customer service managers fall into the trap of managing through memos, policies, procedures, new CRM tools and data analysis. This needs to change if you want a powerful culture that continuously improves, repels poor performers and attracts top performers.
Consilio can help you make that become a reality.