A team collaborating effectively and all taking advantage of their unique talents after their manager learned how to use DiSC insights to maximize employee potential.

How a DiSC Assessment Can Maximize Employee Potential

Imagine having Tom Brady on your team and forcing him to play wide receiver and missing out on the winningest quarterback of all time. Without understanding your team’s strengths and weaknesses, you fail to tap into employee potential and miss out on the real talent at your disposal. 

Fortunately, using a DiSC assessment can help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of each employee so that you can ensure they are in the right role to increase employee productivity, drive success, and build a championship-caliber team. 

At Consilio, we have worked with companies, from bootstrap startups to Fortune 100s, and empowered them to optimize employee performance by actualizing their potential with DiSC insights. Learn how the DiSC test can help in our blog.

What is a DiSC Assessment?

A DiSC assessment is a behavioral test used to determine the strengths and weaknesses of teams. During this assessment, test-takers answer questions assigned to four core personality types and characteristics: dominance, influence, steadiness, and conscientiousness (DiSC).

Using A DiSC Assessment to Maximize Employee Potential

From understanding team strengths to leveraging insights you gain from the DiSC test, using a DiSC assessment requires considerable experience and expertise. Learn how to use DiSC insights to maximize your team’s potential. 

Understanding Team Strengths

Unlocking your employee potential requires having a thorough understanding of their strengths, and the DiSC assessment offers a framework to identify and understand them.  DiSC insights revolve around four central behavioral traits:

  • Dominance: How an employee handles problems, asserts themselves, and controls situations. Someone with strength in this area is direct, decisive, and a doer, which can be well-suited for leadership positions, especially in high-pressure situations.
  • Influence: How an employee deals with people, communicates, and relates to others. Someone with strong influence can be inspirational, interactive, and interesting, which can facilitate collaboration, brainstorming, and innovation.
  • Steadiness: How an employee regulates their temperament via patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness. Someone with a strength in this will be stable, supportive, sincere, and particularly great at building relationships. 
  • Conscientiousness: How an employee approaches and organizes activities, procedures, and responsibilities. Someone with a strong C is cautious, careful, conscientious, and effective in analysis and planning.  

Implementing DiSC Insights to Boost Employee Productivity

Understanding the strengths DiSC insights detail is the first step, but unlocking employee potential requires implementing them effectively. A DiSC test can help improve employee productivity in your organization by helping your team:

A DiSC assessment helps achieve this by enabling you to identify your team’s strengths and weaknesses and assign tasks and responsibilities based on their skills and preferences.

“For example, maybe you want to assign someone with a strength in conscientiousness a research and analysis role while putting someone with a strength in influence in a marketing or business development role. A significant bonus is that it minimizes burnout, dissatisfaction, and turnover because you are putting people in a position to do work they excel at and minimize the barriers to positional success for each member of your team.” – Stacey McKibbin, Consilio CEO

Leveraging DiSC Insights as an Organization

As an organization, you can leverage the insights you garner from a DiSC assessment at virtually every level to bring out employee potential. Some ways we advise companies to leverage DiSC insights are via:

“One thing I say about DiSC all the time is that it’s the only observable language that’s out there, meaning we can go to a mall, ‘people watch,’ and reasonably discern a style preference. This is so helpful in business situations where you don’t have the benefit of taking the assessment.” – Stacey

Still, administering this, interpreting results, and implementing changes from the insights you gain require the coaching and expertise of a professional leadership trainer. 

Do You Want To Maximize Employee Potential? Contact Us To Take a DiSC Assessment

By using DiSC insights, you can ensure that your team is a finely-tuned machine and everyone is in the right position to drive organizational success. Failing to capitalize on employee potential is like leaving money on the table and can have devastating results for companies, but with the help of these tests, that is no longer a concern. 

Visit our DiSC Assessment page to take this test and learn how to use the results to create success on purpose.

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